The new Policy Address will be released in October. The Food Commons Foundation suggests that the government expand the coverage of food recovery, strengthen cooperation with non-profit organizations, ensure that surplus food can be delivered to those in need in a timely manner, and reduce food waste. Additionally, the Foundation proposes installing smart food waste recycling bins in public housing estates and private residential areas, as well as establishing a corporate food-saving incentive program to recognize companies that reduce food waste.
From June 18 to July 15, the Food Commons Foundation, along with community organizations, surveyed 307 citizens who benefited from surplus food sharing. Nearly 80% of respondents were 60 years old or above, reflecting the urgent need for food sharing programs among the elderly. 67% of respondents received surplus food 1-2 times per week, while 21% received it 5 days a week, indicating a stable demand for food sharing in society.
About 3,000 tonnes of food waste is discarded in Hong Kong every day. While most of them are still edible, they are sent to landfills. However, in the community, there are over a million elderly or grassroots people who do not have enough food to eat. Excessive leftover food leads to wastage and increases the load in landfills. A series of problems caused by food waste have a wide impact on the economy, people’s livelihood, environmental pollution and social development. In view of this, Food Commons Foundation’s Food Sharing Action was officially launched in 2009. It is the first food sharing action in Hong Kong that combines environmental protection and community mutual assistance. With a focus on the community, it connects groups from different districts to establish a resource network that can tackle the problem of food waste.
Food Commons Foundation共享食物基金會在2009年時發現了這個社會問題,並持續從各大街市食肆回收食物,再免費分配給有需要人士,至今已是第十四個年頭。
香港每日棄置約3,000 公噸廚餘,且絕大部份剩食仍可食用,卻被送往堆填區。 有見及此,共享食物基金連結多個商戶和非牟利機構,現已在全港16個地區進行剩食回收共享工作,包括荃灣、葵芳、青衣、天 水圍、元朗、粉嶺、上水、沙田、大圍、馬鞍山、火炭、大埔、紅磡、土瓜灣、上環、銅鑼灣等。並一直鼓勵社會各界人士支持及參 與,期望將剩食回收共享計劃推展至全港18區,將應對剩食及廚餘的社區經驗推廣給大眾,宣揚惜食文化,同時減少食物浪費,將資源分享給有需要人士。
香港每日棄置約3,000 公噸廚餘,且絕大部份剩食仍可食用,卻被送往堆填區。然而在社區上有基層人士三餐不繼,過量的剩食造成浪費,同時亦加重堆填區的負荷。