Volunteer: Fundraising Event Planning Advisor

Seeking an advisor to help creatively plan and strategise our 10th Anniversary Celebration Series

What we need

  • Join an initial briefing to learn more about our organisation and our 10th-anniversary goals
  • Facilitate with generating innovative ideas for a series of events to mark our 10th anniversary, offering strategic guidance for the planning and execution of various events (e.g. fundraisers, community outreach, awareness campaigns)
  • Share insights and best practices on fundraising, event promotion, and attendee engagement to improve decision-making
  • Advise on event strategy, ideation, and timelines to ensure smooth coordination and impactful results
  • Help develop a clear roadmap and key milestones for the series of events, aligning efforts with the organization’s goals and capacity
  • Collaborate closely with volunteers who will support the event's execution, sharing suggestions to help guide their work
Letters | Hong Kong can definitely stomach a robust food waste reduction strategy

SCMP 5 Sep 2024

As the chief executive prepares to deliver this year's policy address, Food Commons Foundation would like to emphasise the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to food waste reduction in Hong Kong. Given that public concern over environmental issues is growing, we advocate sharing as a key strategy for reducing food waste. This approach would not only minimise waste but also address social challenges, such as poverty and community cohesion.

Policy Address | Groups advocate expanding food recovery networks, tax incentives to encourage food waste recycling facilities | HK01

The new Policy Address will be released in October. The Food Commons Foundation suggests that the government expand the coverage of food recovery, strengthen cooperation with non-profit organizations, ensure that surplus food can be delivered to those in need in a timely manner, and reduce food waste. Additionally, the Foundation proposes installing smart food waste recycling bins in public housing estates and private residential areas, as well as establishing a corporate food-saving incentive program to recognize companies that reduce food waste.

From June 18 to July 15, the Food Commons Foundation, along with community organizations, surveyed 307 citizens who benefited from surplus food sharing. Nearly 80% of respondents were 60 years old or above, reflecting the urgent need for food sharing programs among the elderly. 67% of respondents received surplus food 1-2 times per week, while 21% received it 5 days a week, indicating a stable demand for food sharing in society.

Food Commons Foundation's Opinion on Public Consultation for the 2024 Policy Address - Strengthening Food Recovery and Sharing Networks, Promoting Voluntary Waste Reduction Incentive Programs

As Hong Kong society's concern for environmental issues continues to grow, the Food Commons Foundation has noticed increasingly heated public discussions on waste management policies. Against this background, we would like to put forward some suggestions for the 2024 Policy Address, particularly on how to more effectively address the issue of food waste.

We believe that adopting a multi-pronged strategy is crucial when tackling the challenge of food waste. Within this strategy, we suggest making food waste reduction through sharing a key focus. Food waste reduction through sharing not only directly reduces food waste but also addresses social issues simultaneously, achieving multiple benefits. Specifically, the advantages of food waste reduction through sharing include:

What to eat during End of Heat?

Today is the second solar term of autumn, “end of heat”. End of heat is a solar term that reflects changes in temperature. It means the hot and unbearable weather has finally come to an end. The temperature will drop significantly and the air will become dry. During the end of heat period, you may eat more dishes made from the following vegetables:

Start of Autumn


Food Sharing Monthly Report for July - Volunteers who do their best despite the hot summer


What to eat in hot weather


ECF Food Commons@Shatin - The recovery team added new blood and continued to serve the public


Food Sharing Monthly Report for June - Volunteers are loving and powerful


Our Work

Promote the concept of saving food and helping people, develop a community surplus food sharing network.

Educate the public to reduce waste, cherish food, promote the concept of sharing leftover food in the community.

In response to social conditions, propose food wise and waste reduction policy initiatives.

Our Mission
Supporting Communities

To reduce food waste by supporting communities to establish their own food recycling and re-distribution networks


To initiate the different district of Hong Kong to develop a multi-disciplinary mechanism, dealing with the problem of leftover food based on individual expertise and responsibilities

Green Jobs

Strengthen the community's role to create green jobs

Food Sharing

Share quality surplus food with those in need

Total Amount Of Food Recovered
Cherish food and reduce waste

Without your support, our food recycling and sharing work cannot continue. Your support allows us to achieve the goals of avoiding food-wastage, protecting the environment, helping people in need, creating green employment as well as strengthening the network of the communities. 
