June Seasonal Crops

Today is one of the 24th solar terms known as "Mang Zhong" (Grain in Ear). Mang Zhong is the third solar term of summer, and this period has entered the midsummer time, with significantly higher temperatures, abundant rainfall, high humidity, and sultry heat. It is advisable to open windows frequently for ventilation and breathing in fresh air, and avoid overcooling which can lead to heat-related illnesses. In terms of diet, light and cooling foods should be the focus, such as cucumber, bitter gourd, luffa, and amaranth.

Warmth in the Rain

Despite the recent heavy rainfall, volunteers have been diligently attending volunteer activities, ensuring that those in need in various districts receive nourishing food.

Caring for the Roadside Scavengers

Caring for the Roadside Scavengers

"Auntie, hello! Would you like some bread? We have some leftover bread that we can give you!" A volunteer approached the scavenger old woman who was sorting cardboard on the side of the road. "Thank you! You can just leave it on the side, I'll have it after I'm done."

Helping others is a joy

"Hello! We are here to distribute the leftover bread. Would you like to have some for a late-night snack?" The volunteer noticed a group of unfamiliar cleaners and proactively reached out to them. "Yes, thank you!" The cleaners were delighted to receive the bread.

Teamwork to Help Others

Even on summer evenings, the volunteers tirelessly continued to distribute the food to those in need. Some volunteers came to help immediately after work, while others were students and retirees who joined in. Working together, they quickly shared the food with cleaners, scavengers, and the homeless, doing a good deed for society.

Caring for the Marginalized in the Community

"Hello, we're here to distribute bread! Would you like a portion?" The volunteers walked through the tunnels, caring for each homeless person they encountered. "I'd like one, thank you!" In the process of distributing the bread, the volunteers also conveyed genuine concern for each individual.

Seasonal Crops of May

Start of Summer - End of Spring, Summer Begins

Yesterday was "Start of Summer", one of the 24 solar terms. The Start of Summer marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer, also known as the "end of spring" day. As we enter the summer season, people's metabolism will accelerate, energy consumption will increase, and the summer fire within can easily lead to restlessness and anxiety. It is advisable to properly arrange rest time, pay attention to napping, maintain a clear and refreshed state, and appropriately consume some bitter foods to avoid overheating. Avoid excessive fatigue and extreme emotions.

Among the seasonal crops in May, bitter-tasting foods include bitter gourd, bok choy, and mint. The benefit of choosing seasonal vegetables is that they are planted and harvested at the most suitable time, requiring fewer pesticides, and tasting better. Since they are in season, the yield is higher and the prices are lower.

Small Actions with Perseverance

"Hello, grandma! Do you want some leftover bread?" "Thank you, you guys always come by to give out bread, you're so kind!" Small actions, as long as they are persistent, can help many people in need.

The Weather Changes, But The Original Intention Remains Unchanged

The weather gradually became cloudy and uncertain, and the sudden heavy rain more or less affected our actions. Yet, no matter whether it’s sunny or rainy, the original intention of the volunteers remains the same and they will continue to act and share food with those in need as long as it is safe. 

Food Rescue and Sharing Needs Your Support to Continue 12,299 people receive 1 kg of food support every week

The problem of food waste is a daily occurrence in the community. Food Commons Foundation, together with local partners and volunteers, acts as a bridge to rescue surplus food and share it with those in need. However, as some projects are nearing the end of their funding period, and we have not been able to secure new funding, some areas may have to stop their food rescue and sharing work. This is a regrettable situation that we do not want to see.

Our Work

Promote the concept of saving food and helping people, develop a community surplus food sharing network.

Educate the public to reduce waste, cherish food, promote the concept of sharing leftover food in the community.

In response to social conditions, propose food wise and waste reduction policy initiatives.

Our Mission
Supporting Communities

To reduce food waste by supporting communities to establish their own food recycling and re-distribution networks


To initiate the different district of Hong Kong to develop a multi-disciplinary mechanism, dealing with the problem of leftover food based on individual expertise and responsibilities

Green Jobs

Strengthen the community's role to create green jobs

Food Sharing

Share quality surplus food with those in need

Total Amount Of Food Recovered
Cherish food and reduce waste

Without your support, our food recycling and sharing work cannot continue. Your support allows us to achieve the goals of avoiding food-wastage, protecting the environment, helping people in need, creating green employment as well as strengthening the network of the communities. 
